Why choose rounded call to action button?

Arpith Scindhia
3 min readOct 9, 2018


Since recent times, a lot of designs have been transitioning from sharp edged to rounded edged call to action buttons. Why do you think that is?

There are few very interesting answers to that. Let’s check them out:

1. Shape — The primary reason why rounded rectangle call to action button works, IMO, is due to the fact that roundness is more prone to being seen as a pleasent shape feature than sharpness. It is psychologically more easy to see and doesn’t look harmful compared to the much unpleasent sharp shapes. For example, Steve Jobs had similar directions when Bill Atkinson showed off his new algorithm stating that, “Rectangles with rounded corners are everywhere! Just look around this room!”. This is clearly noticed even in this day and age where most sharp edged objects are not looked at in a pleasent way. Studies have shown that we tend to avoid sharp objects due to it’s distructive nature (Knife, blade, etc).

2. Focus — Rounded rectangle seems to gain more interest than sharp edged rectangle. This has significant implication on how rounded rectangle gives a sense of inwardness and sharp edged rectangle gives a sense of outwardness. When designers use rounded rectangle for their CTA, it’s mainly to gather the user’s focus towards the centre of the button where the content is present. Though sharp edged rectangles are widely used, and may work best for many of them, mainly due to enough A/B testing and research on their audience, rounded rectangle CTA is strongly suggested because of how it alters a user’s emotion. With this, when you are unaware of which type to use, it’s safer to assume rounded rectangle CTA are the best solution.

3. Completeness — when a rectangle is drawn, it’s a connection of four points which has a start and finish. This also means that a rounded rectangle seems more connected without much breaks. See how the rounded rectangle is more seemless and smooth? This is also similar to how a user feels. Smooth, Calm, Complete, peaceful vs Rigid, sharp, rough, limiting, hurtful

We are starting to see more and more use of rounded rectangles in design especially when this is being used since a long time in the game industry, automobile industry, etc.

4. Visual Perception — The last reason why rounded rectangles work better is because it takes less effort to see. Professor Jürg Nänni, author of the exemplary Visual Perception said, “A rectangle with sharp edges take indeed a little bit more cognitive visible effort than for example an ellipse of the same size. Our “fovea-eye” is even faster in recording a circle. Edges involve additional neuronal image tools. The process is therefore slowed down”.

Here are some example of brands using rounded rectangle CTA button:

Again, there isn’t just one way to do things. Maybe for some brands, rounded rectangle call to action buttons don’t work at all. You need to test them throughly and figure out if it works.

Sometimes, the best results can come from the most unique things. So, don’t hesitate to try them out!

Thank you.



Arpith Scindhia
Arpith Scindhia

Written by Arpith Scindhia

UX Designer, Hobby photographer, Amateur dog trainer

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